The Fake Bride, River St., Sanvannah, GA

Am really getting into street photography. As I was walking on River Street, in Savannah, GA a couple of days ago, I saw this lovely bride being photographed. I jumped in and took a couple of photos myself as they were preparing her for the next shot. Then I found that she was a model and they were doing a promotional shoot, what fun!

Since I like to convert these to black and white, gives them a more traditional look in my opinion, I will be posting most of these photos from now forward over at one of my other blogs:

The Band, River Street, Savannah, GA

“Street Photography” – Images by John Van Horn

I have been working on some street photography recently and these are just a few shots I took of a band on River Street in Savannah, GA. They were great subjects and their thing was getting a few dollars, not for their music, but for getting their pictures taken. I find street entertainers make wonderful subjects and being photographed is just part of what they do. These photos can also be viewed on PhotoShelter.