Street Photography And Greyfriars – Photo For September 2

I like to take photographs in Greyfriars Kickyard (Graveyard) in Scotland and also do street photography on occasion. I combined the two this afternoon. I volunteered to take a photo of two lovely women from Spain with there camera and in return they let me take their photo with my camera. It was as you can see, a study of contrast compared to what else caught my eye.

Two Women Picnicking At Greyfriars

Two Women Picnicking At Greyfriars

Eternity Of Bad Days

Eternity Of Bad Days

Power Plant Study No. 5 – Photo For August 25

I had a very difficult time working the spider web into a decent composition. I am not really sure how well it works here, but had to include at least on photo of my efforts. The spider web as you can see in the photo was suspended between two strands of barbed wire adding to the composition and a deeper meaning if you wish to add one.

Power Plant Study No. 5 - The Web

Power Plant Study No. 5 – The Web