Could not resist one more detail photo of this “Old Feed Mill”.
Category Archives: Deserted Buildings
Detail, Old Feed Mill, Maryland No. 1 – Photo For July 13
Detail can be very interesting and I like textures in black and white. This is a photo from my Maryland visit in early June near where I photographed the “Maryland Farm”. It is a grey day today, so may not get any good new photos to post and return to to these details tomorrow.
Country Road Study, Maryland Farm – Photo For July 10
Mill Stone Wall – Photo For June 24
Thought I would stay with the stone wall topic, but in this case, it is the wall of an old mill in Maryland. Photo shows an interesting mixture of stone work capped by bricks with a door the goes to nowhere and an old broken window.
What was is no longer…
Closed doors
Broken windows
Crumbling bricks
Shifting stones
When, Why, How, did it all end…
Heart closed
Spirit broken
Life crumbling
Mind shifting and slipping away.
What was is no longer…
Unable to enter back in,
All access denied…. Nannette
Stone Wall Study No. 1 – Photo For June 23
The stone walls of the Northeastern United States dwarf in their combined mass the great pyramids of Egypt. These walls were constructed around farm fields, particularly in New England from the stone found in the fields themselves and new stone pushed up by the spring thaw grew in the fields almost as regularly as the crops. Many of these walls today bound long deserted fields that have reverted back to woodlands. I enjoy exploring these old walls in the woods, but find them very hard to photograph successfully. I will be sharing my efforts hopefully in the next few months as I attempt to record some of these wonderful structures.
6-23-13 Stone Wall
Come close to me, sit with me, sing to me,
Dance with me and touch me…
Feel me and tell me your heart’s desire…
Walk by my side and listen to the many stacked stone stories,
stories born out of the blustery autumn breeze, the gentle spring showers, the beating summer sun and the bitter winter snow…
Come to me as the earth and water, the air and fire once came close to me and let your story be stacked within mine, left transformed by Nature’s Way… Nannette
Taneytown, Maryland Feed Mill – Photo For June 21
This mill first appears in one of my photographs in 1968, and I have returned in recent years numerous times to photograph this interesting structure. This photograph was taken two weeks ago. Last year I did a small study of old feed mills in this area, north of Hagerstown, Maryland. If you wish to see this study, click on the link below and it will take you to it in a book format:
Antietam Nat’t Battlefield, Corn Crib – Photo For June 19
Pond Study In Infrared No. 1 – Photo For June 18
This is a pond close to where we live. As I have expressed before at some juncture, that I like infrared photos because of the great contrast that can be achieved in black and white, particularly in the sky. Also I prefer photos that are not obviously infrared, where the greens are not a harsh white, although they all have their place. The deserted cabin adds contrast to the jet trail in the left portion of the sky.
After I posted this photo, I received this wonderful thought from Nannette Pierson:
We rush to cross the skies,
to places far away,
to capture a moment of peace and tranquility,
while a cabin,
on a pond in paradise,
remains as empty as one’s soul…..
Door In Savannah – Photo For June 17
Since I did a door yesterday, thought I would followup today with another one – will return to more current work probably tomorrow. I took pictures of this door in Savannah on two occasions this spring. In fact it intrigued me so much I actually made a special trip into Savannah to photograph it again. I do not know what is on the other side, first question asked when people see the photographs.
Blue Door In Bluffton, SC – Photo For June 16
A good friend sent me some great photos last evening, and among them was this wonderful old structure in Bluffton, SC, that I believe is awaiting restoration. I had photographed it earlier this spring, shooting into the building through a chain link fence at some very interesting blue woodwork including this door.