Aaron Burr, Faces Of The Dead No. 2 – Photo For July 3

Aaron Burr was one of the most talented men of our Founding Father’s generation. Unfortunately he had a run in with Alexander Hamilton and since has been a villain of sorts.  It is interesting how one misstep can change your legacy in history.

This photo like yesterday’s is a artist rendition of the mask casting. I used a lot of contrast and simulated bleach bypass effect. I will in the future post an archival image of the mask.

Aaron Burr, Faces Of The Dead No. 2

Aaron Burr, Faces Of The Dead No. 2

Faces Of The Dead, No. 1 – Photo For July 2

I am spending a good part of this week with the faces of dead people…

Before there was photography and even after, the only way to actually record in three dimensions what a person looked like was to make a death or life mask – paintings and drawings, while often very accurate, always have a bit of the artists interpretation attached in only two dimensions.

William Tecumseh Sherman

William Tecumseh Sherman

Common Ground – Photo For July 1

Last night was the opening program and orientation for Common Ground On The Hill, at McDaniel College, in Westminster, Maryland. Common Ground is a mixture of courses in the arts, talks, performances, and artist exhibits that strives to bring together people from diverse backgrounds by finding commonality in the arts. It is fun!

Common Ground - Artists No. 1

Common Ground – Artists No. 1


Steve Tate, Poet – Photo for Nov. 30

I intend to post more of Steve Tate. I met him this morning on a shrimp boat in Brunswick, GA. We visited as he and the crew worked at getting ready to go shrimping. I think Steve is a very good poet, who has a gift for delivering his thoughtful verses and entertained me with several original works.

Steve Tate, Poet

Steve Tate, Poet